By Nicholas
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Momoho is a Maori word that isn’t very well known. It is a word that we need to hear more often.
Momoho means “knowing, successful at, or experienced”. Momoho also means “be successful, flourish and thrive”. In my country, New Zealand, the word experienced is scorned and shunned, particularly by employers and government. All too often jobs are given to younger people who don’t have the same skills as people who have honed, polished and enhanced their skills over time.
What is wrong with New Zealand employers? you ask. Are they really blind to the skills offered, and are they truly denying their businesses the opportunity of best productivity. Are they denying their businesses the chance of better knowledge, and the chance to be more successful? The answer is yes.
This sounds harsh, and I’m sure you are asking, “Why would they do this”. The answer is attitude, or as Zig Ziglar would have said — “Stinking Thinking”. Read the blog on this topic.
Yes, attitude determines altitude. Many of these businesses have not got off the ground!
Did you know that in New Zealand, the apprenticeship scheme was abandoned by the government of the day 1n the 1980s? What has happened is that, in 2016, a high percentage of the trades people are over sixty. The younger people were denied the opportunity to learn, by a government obsessed with cost cutting.
So today, New Zealand is short of trades people. The Hon Steven Joyce, Minister of Economic Development, and also Minister of Tertiary Education, claims that there is no one to teach the younger people the skills needed to be a tradesman.
Mr Joyce is not correct. There are a lot of older people around who are very skilled. These people should be the teachers.
Of course Mr Joyce and many other bureaucrats are reluctant to use these skilled people. Remember Momoho — “Be successful, flourish and thrive”. Romans 12:2 in the Bible tells us another way to gain this “Momoho” success.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That grubby little caterpillar which is mankind in his untrained state is transformed into something magnificent.
So we speak about success and transformation. Our seniors, yes the ones who have the knowledge and experience are the ones who can bring about the transformation and the success of New Zealand.
Yes, Momoho is a senior thing.
The Momoho Man lifting up the Graph of Success.
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Nicholas (Nick Thorne) is the founder of NicksDigitalSolutions Limited a company that specialises in Education and Training; ICT Consultancy; Infopreneur; and Writing. He lives in Levin, New Zealand.