Welcome to this series of articles about Senior Wellbeing. As we grow older, there are many things we can do to ensure that “Golden Years” are indeed golden.
As we age, we notice alterations in our capability to remember things such as an appointment with the doctor, going into a room and not remembering why, and forgetting the name of someone during a conversation.
Memory lapses happen at any phase of our life. However, we are more likely to be concerned as we age, because we fear it may indicate loss of mental function.
In fact, memory loss is not a normal aspect of aging. It is because of natural disorders, damage to the brain, or neurological disease, such as Alzheimer’s.
The majority of transitory issues we undergo as we grow older reflect normal alterations in the structure and workings of the brain. These alterations can slow down some mental procedures which in turn make it a little bit harder to adapt or learn new things.
Disruptions can obstruct memory and slow down the learning new things. These alterations can be exasperating when we want to learn new skills or manage countless tasks.
It is important to be mentally active. Physical exercise is important for keeping your body fit, whereas activities that simulate your brain help keep it in shape and assist in minimizing memory loss.
There are a number of games which can be played to keep your brain active such as crossword puzzle, scrabble or reading books which you normally don’t read, or taking alternate routes while driving.
To improve your memory, it is extremely important to limit disruptions and focus on just one thing, and get organized. Many people get caught up in multi-tasking. As a result, they fail to do one thing which is required to be accomplished.
Giving your undivided attention to a single task at hand will always improve your memory. Focusing is important, because your brain requires time to encode and decode the information properly, and if too many tasks are performed at the same time it is likely to forget most of them. So, if you want to remember something, stop multitasking.
Most people think everyone has the same capability of learning new techniques and things. That is not so. Everyone has a different technique of absorbing new information.
Some people learn it quickly while others take time, this does not mean that there is something wrong with our brain. This frustrates us as we grow older.
The best thing to do is use the style that works best for you, even if it is not the manner that other people do their work. This will drastically improve your memory.
Last but not least, take excellent care of yourself. Visiting the doctor regularly is important. If you have high blood pressure, diabetics or depression, follow your doctor’s prescription.
By taking excellent care of yourself, you can certainly improve your memory. Regular checkups are extremely important because some medicines have an impact on your memory as you age.
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Nick Thorne is the founder of NicksDigitalSolutions Limited a company that specialises in Education, Training and Writing. He lives in Levin, New Zealand.