Welcome to this series about Weight Management. Enjoy the principles and I hope you learn something new. Enjoy the positive benefits of Weight Management.
Your body’s ability to burn calories and, in turn, lose weight is partly related to your body’s metabolism.
What is metabolism?
Metabolism is defined as a process that takes the food you eat, and then converts it into fuel that your body can use. Think of your body as an engine, and the food you eat as gasoline. Just as there are things you can do to increase fuel efficiency in a car, there are ways to increase the metabolism in your body.
Developing ways to increase metabolism becomes even more important as you age, because the older you get, the slower your metabolic rate gets.
Here are 4 things you can do to help boost your metabolism:
- Get Active
One stress reducer just mentioned is exercise. Getting active does not have to mean gym workouts daily. However, to boost metabolism effectively, shorter bursts of intense physical activity will work best. Combining strength training with cardiovascular training will help increase your body’s ability to burn calories. Consult with a personal trainer to help set up a workout schedule that works for you. In addition, be sure to check with your physician before starting any new exercise program.
- Eat the Right Kinds of Fat
On paper, it makes sense to reduce fat intake if you wish to lose weight. While this may be true, your body does require fat intake for the metabolic process to run smoothly. The type of fat is what is key.
By consuming high-quality fats, such as those found naturally in nuts, seeds, and cold-water fish, you can actually increase the amount of calories you burn.
On the other hand, if you eliminate all fats from your diet, your metabolism will think it is missing fat, and will do all it can to hold onto your existing fat stores.
- Drink Plenty of Water
The key word here is water. For effective metabolism, your body must not become dehydrated. Many liquids are available for consumption, but often they have a dehydrating effect. Although not a fuel per se, water is a key component in proper metabolism.
- Avoid Extreme Calorie Restriction
While you must watch what you eat, ultra-low-calorie diets are counterproductive to weight loss. If you stop eating, you will lose weight. The problem is that your body will shed pounds from muscle and hold onto its fat stores. This is because, in a state of starvation, fat stores are the last line of defense. They will be the last to be used for survival.
Then when you resume a normal eating pattern after a low-calorie diet, the weight will return (plus more) because:
The fat is still there.
- Your metabolism will have slowed down.
A well-balanced diet is key to healthy muscle building while losing weight.
In summary, increasing your metabolism can be a great way to aid your weight-loss efforts.
Boost your metabolism.
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Nick Thorne is the founder of NicksDigitalSolutions Limited, a company specializing in Education, Training and Writing. He lives in Levin, New Zealand.