Welcome to the Make It Happen series. I hope you find the readings thought-provoking and inspiring. Please enjoy.

You have all you need within to be an AWESOME YOU!

Commit yourself to daily growth.

Here are some simple suggestions for enriching your life:

1) Pray and meditate – Make time to heighten spiritual awareness. This can be done quietly in the privacy of your home or at work during a lunch break. Ask God for strength and wisdom to do what is right.

2) Be gentle with yourself. Avoid negative thinking of self-pity and inappropriate shame or guilt. Know you are worthy and let go of always needing approval or validation from others.

3) Appreciate the present, focus on the future, and learn from the past, but don’t dwell on it. Do not allow yourself to become imprisoned by past events and actions.

Always remember that God can help you take charge of your life. No matter what has happened to you in the past, HE will build you up again. Your future will be bright!

4) Cultivate your unique talents. Consider using your talents, your gifts, wisdom, and energy to solve problems, you are special in your own way. Do not compare yourself with others. 

Always remember, there is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They SHINE when it is their time.

5) Have fun. Learn from others. Observe good people. Read a book for pleasure. Play your favourite sport. Try new things. Enjoy a hobby. Appreciate nature and most importantly do what makes your heart happy! 

Make it happen.

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Nick Thorne is the founder of Nick’s Digital Solutions Limited. He lives in Levin, New Zealand.

Nick performs a Cat Scan.

Nick Thorne performs a Cat Scan