How exercise improves body image

How exercise improves body image

Welcome to this series about Exercise. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good  Exercise. Practice it well.. Body image plays a huge part in how often an individual exercises and if they exercise at all. When it comes to dealing with a...
How exercise helps control your emotions

How exercise helps control your emotions

Welcome to this series about Exercise. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good Exercise. Practice it well. It is a well-known fact that exercise has many benefits. Some of the first benefits people tend to think of are those that are related...
The positively viral nature of confidence

The positively viral nature of confidence

Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. Did you know that you really can’t be confident in just one thing or ability? When you have a high level of belief in your ability to do a...
Grooming habits to foster confidence

Grooming habits to foster confidence

Grooming Habits to foster confidence  Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence.  Comedian Billy Crystal created a character named “Fernando” on the comedy sketch show Saturday...
Continually improve your skill set

Continually improve your skill set

Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. High achievers usually work harder than those who enjoy lower levels of success. Maybe harder is the wrong adjective, because highly successful...
Diet and Cancer

Diet and Cancer

Welcome to this series about Healthy Eating. Enjoy the common sense precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of Healthy eating. Researchers crunch the data to discover a common theme or cause for the exponential increase in cancer incidence. They are finding...
Caffeine and your Health

Caffeine and your Health

Welcome to this series about Healthy Eating. Enjoy the commonsense precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of Healthy eating. We are all aware that coffee contains caffeine and is therefore a stimulant. What is confusing for consumers is the conflicting...