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Creative ways to work from home
Welcome to this series about Working from Home. This is perhaps timely. I hope you enjoy the series and learn something new. There are positive benefits from Working from Home. In uncertain economic times, many people are looking for ways to supplement their income....
Seize the day
Welcome to this series about Positive Thinking. Enjoy the principles and I hope you can learn something new. Enjoy the benefits of Positive Thinking. We all have dreams. However, most of us choose to give up on them too soon; believing that they are too farfetched and...
Use affirmations to improve life.
Welcome to this series about Positive Thinking. Enjoy the principles and I hope you can learn something new. Enjoy the benefits of Positive Thinking. You have been working hard to achieve your goals and ploughing time and energy into changing bad habits, affecting...
Improve your self-esteem
Welcome to this series about Positive Thinking. Enjoy the principles and I hope you can learn something new. Enjoy the benefits of Positive Thinking. The quality of your life depends solely on how you think and feel about yourself. If you have low self-esteem issues,...
Be happier and improve Life’s quality
Welcome to this series about Positive Thinking. Enjoy the principles and I hope you can learn something new. Enjoy the benefits of Positive Thinking. Life is about love, joy, and laughter. The people that find it difficult to live life in such a manner just don’t know...
Understand your self=concept
Welcome to this series about Positive Thinking. Enjoy the principles and I hope you can learn something new. Enjoy the benefits of Positive Thinking. What is self-concept? It’s the image we hold of ourselves. How does it form over time, and how does it change? It...
The positively viral nature of confidence
Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. Did you know that you really can't be confident in just one thing or ability? When you have a high level of belief in your ability to do a...
Why confident people are so sure of their values and beliefs
Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. Your values are the things you believe in. When something is important to you and you hold in high regard, or it is useful in making you healthy and...
How proper posture positively affects and boosts self confidence
Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. You probably heard it from your parents too many times to remember. If you have spent any time in the military, countless instructors and higher...
Grooming habits to foster confidence
Grooming Habits to foster confidence Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. Comedian Billy Crystal created a character named "Fernando" on the comedy sketch show Saturday Night Live in...
Continually improve your skill set
Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. High achievers usually work harder than those who enjoy lower levels of success. Maybe harder is the wrong adjective, because highly successful...
Challenge your comfort zone daily
Welcome to this series about Confidence. Enjoy the precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of good confidence. Human beings are intrinsically lazy. When we reach a level of comfort, either as individuals or as groups, we take fewer risks. After all, if you...
Caffeine and your Health
Welcome to this series about Healthy Eating. Enjoy the commonsense precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of Healthy eating. We are all aware that coffee contains caffeine and is therefore a stimulant. What is confusing for consumers is the conflicting...
Healthy Eating using Glycemic Index
Welcome to this series about Healthy Eating. Enjoy the commonsense precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of Healthy eating. In our quest for health and a healthy diet, it can be easy to become confused with all the available information today. There is a...
Healthy Diet – Healthy Mind and Body
Welcome to this series about Healthy Eating. Enjoy the commonsense precepts and principles. Enjoy the many benefits of Healthy eating. The fight against ill-health and many diseases starts with eating a healthy diet. So many modern medical cures are really attempting...